A few months ago I was looking into different races Matthew and I could run this year. One that sounded like a lot of fun was one in Bryce Canyon. We went to it this weekend. It was awesome!!! We had such a great time. We left Friday after I got off work. We drove down to Bryce. We got there when it was dark, so we tried our luck with finding a place to camp in the dark, just off the road. We found a place, but we were still worried we were on private land or something. It was way windy that night and it kept blowing our tent. It made it sound like there was person or animal footsteps outside. Needless to say, we didn't get much sleep. We both woke up and said we felt like the night would never end. End it did, and we were up ready for our race. It was a five mile race. We ran along the Bryce Canyon rim. Matthew took some pics on his phone/ipod/run tracker while we were running. Such talent! Here are some of those pics: It was so beautiful!!! I was hoping all of our run would be along the rim but only a short part of it was. The rest was running through all the pines, which was still beautiful! It was a 5 mile run and we finished in 55 minutes. That's the furthest Matthew has ever run before. Yeah Matthew!!! There were a lot of people who intermittently walked and ran, but Matthew and I ran the whole way! It was awesome! We both finished 5th in our age group. However, there were only about 200 hundred people in the race, but no one has to know that. This was our picture after the race - and look we're still smiling!
After the race Matthew and I went exploring in Bryce canyon. There are some sweet trails through the canyon that we decided we want to come back and hike. We were just too worn out from our race. It was so beautiful!!! I couldn't believe it! It was so wild to see the red rock with so many pines. What a fun combination! I was also amazed with how many foreigners there were! It seemed like every stop we made we heard a different language. We were beginning to wonder if there were any Americans. It was cool to see and hear so much diversity!
Matthew was starting to look like a bear with his scruff. Hee hee
Mr. Crow posing for his photo shoot
I took this picture on self-timer. Except I didn't leave enough time for me to get in the picture. Oops!
So we decided to switch places, this picture turned out lots better
The lone pine. It looks like there is snow on the mountain. It also looks like the pine is on a cloud. We thought it looked super cool.
We were so pooped with our race, sightseeing and walking. There was one lookout we almost didn't go to because we didn't want to walk to it. We are so glad we did, because this is what we got to see. It was awesome! It was one of our favorite views!
The cute little couple
We got free tickets to the rodeo in Bryce that night from running our race. Matthew and I hadn't been to a rodeo before, so we were excited to go. Matthew even indulged me by wearing cowboy boots! It turned out to be a junior rodeo, which was still fun. We had a great time. It got us excited to see a real rodeo someday.
Here we are sportin our cowboy boots. It was fun to get a little cowboyed upWhat a fun weekend! I will admit though, we were so excited to sleep in our bed!
Andrews Baptism
1 week ago