Look Everybody! I'm posting a blog. My life is a little more back to normal.
Last semester I took a sewing class that literally kicked my butt! Needless to say, I'm super glad that's over with!
It was Monday nights - so on Mondays I was gone from 7:30am-9:30 or 10pm. Now I feel super wimpy because some people do this all the time and do it on a daily basis. But for me - it was killer! Plus, Mondays are usually my laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping day, so to have that taken away from me was TORTURE!!! I could never fit that stuff in anywhere else in the week. It threw my whole week off. But now Matthew has a collared shirt - his $400 shirt that I'll have to post a picture of one day, and I have a new pair of jeans.
I feel like I have so much more time now, and I love it!!!!!
Christmas Vacation - now what's not to love about it?
Mike and Sooz (Matthew's brother and his girlfriend) were here for a week and boy did we have fun!
We played SO many games! Matthew was gamed out by the end of the break.
Matthew and I went skiing a couple of times. I did some double black diamonds - love it! I can't get enough skiing - who wants to go with me?
Matthew and I got to have many delicious breakfasts together. This is something we both have missed since I've started working full time.
We made yummy delicious sushi - LOVE IT! If you haven't yet had our sushi - we should definitely find a time that you can come enjoy it - it's the best!
We played wallyball and racquetball
We watched movies
We opened fabulous presents - we're so loved!
We went sledding - good times with the fam
I got to actually do some crafting - make jewelry and crochet - it was so nice to have some down time and do things I want to do!
I got to do some reading - that was awesome too!
We sang Christmas songs and listened to Christmas songs
I must admit - I had to drag myself out of bed to go back to school - I loved the break - it was so nice - but it's good to be back at school, and my classes haven't been that bad.
Life is good!!!