Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Matthew is # 1!!!!!!!

Matthew and Danny have been working so hard for months on their web design and internet marketing business, Superior Design. Now their hard work is paying off!!! They are ranked number 1 on Google!!!!! It says they are number 2, but the number 1 spot is actually just a directory, so technically, they are #1.

This is an enormous feat because they are competing against people who know what they are doing when it comes to web design and SEO stuff. The competition is VERY high. But they are succeeding!!! They are #1!! While I was doing dishes Matthew called to me to come here and excitedly told me they were number 1. He then did his #1 victory dance and song - it was great! Congratulations you guys!!!

To check out their website, here is the link:


Katie said...

What an awesome accomplishment for them! Our husbands are the coolest!!!

Katie said...

p.s. I am totally wishing I would have gotten to see the victory dance!!

Sarah and Wes said...

Congratulations! That is so awesome!!! Also, your pizzas look fabulous!!

Katie said...

Hope it's ok if I refer people to your blog to read this. I'm proud of them. :)