I went to go to the bathroom, when I found this.....
EWWWWWW!!!! I couldn't figure out where this poo came from. The only person who would miss the toilet like that would be our 4 year old Nephew. However, there's not a reason for him to be in our bathroom. I couldn't figure it out!!!
I didn't want to clean it up. It was so gross!!!
I went and got Matthew. I showed it to him and told him my theories. He was suppressing smiles and laughter. He asked me if I had smelled it. Of course I hadn't smelled it - it's poo! It CAN'T smell good. Although, when he said that, I figured out it was a joke! He was the culprit! Him and his brothers! They did such a good job. It looked so real! We left it there to see what other people would say/do about it, if anything. Nothing happened over the next few days. Luckily Matthew was also nice enough to clean it up.
All I have to say is you never know what's going to happen when you get the 5 Henage boys together.....
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