It's the moment you've all been waiting for...
Okay, so it's the moment that I've been waiting for. Matthew and I were released from nursery back in January. I thought I would get a calling super quick after being released. But I waited, and waited, and waited. I was getting sick of not having something to do! It's nice to have a break and all, but I would MUCH rather have other people to think about and focus on instead of myself. Of course, I still am a visiting teacher. My laurel sister-in-law, Alisha, said when I got released it meant that I would be called into YW. Then a few weeks ago a sister got released from YWs, and Alisha said there was now an opening for me in YW. She's also been saying for a year how fun it would be to have me at camp.
Well, the Bishop called me in and asked if I would be willing to serve. YES!!! Finally!
My new calling is the Laurel adviser!!! Yipee! I was pretty sure I would be called into YWs, but I wouldn't have guessed the Laurels. I am so excited! I was even more excited to see Alisha's expression. She was super excited about it. We're going to have such great fun! And we get to go to camp! Plus, my mother-in-law and I are going to be cabin leaders for camp. What fun! Good times ahead! I've been thinking about some things I want to do for my Laurels. It will be a good calling for me.
In other news, my brother, Mike, called me about a week ago and said he had some exciting news, and asked me if I had any guesses. Well, he's been dating this really cute girl the last few months, so I tentatively asked if he was engaged, not wanting him to feel we were pressuring him if they weren't. He said no. I asked if he got a new bullet bike, no. I couldn't think of any other big things he could tell me. He told me he was going to be going through the temple!!!!!! This was THE BEST news! I am so happy for him!!! It is so exciting! I'm so proud of him, his good decisions, and what he has done to prepare him to take that step in his life. Way to go Mike! July 3 is the date. I can't wait!
And other news, here I thought I didn't have anything blog worthy, but now I sit down to write, I keep thinking of things to share, just no pictures. We've sold 15 jars of jam already! We're still working on our labels. I've been sharing my jam with people I work with and people in the ward. A sweet lady in my ward bought 10 jars last Saturday. One of my favorite co-workers at school, who is actually from my homeward, who has known me since I was 3, was the first person to buy a jar of jam. But he didn't buy just one, he bought 5! That's so exciting! I LOVE our jam, but it's even more exciting to know other people want to buy it and have it. Even if they are doing it just to support me. What wonderful people!
Andrews Baptism
5 weeks ago
Wow! Lots and lots of great news!!! It makes me so happy to see posts like this. Congrats on the calling! I was able to serve in YW and I absolutely loved it. I haven't wanted to serve anywhere else but there since.
Yeah for Michael!!! What a wonderfully exciting thing to go through the temple. How cool!
Wish I could be trying some of that jam about now. It sounds quite yummy for my pregnant tummy! Good luck with your endeavors.
I want to buy some jam. Where are you working again? I teach at Timpanogos Elementary as the PE Specialist. We should get together and collaborate. New ideas are always helpful. Anyway, hope to hear from you soon! Comment on my blog! Haha.
That is an awesome update. I have been the Laurel advisor in my ward and have really enjoyed it (even though it's very different with only 1 Laurel and 5-6 YW altogether who actually come regularly !)
That is awesome about Michael- how exciting for your family!
Glad things are going well!
My e-mail is Don't forget the L after my first name :) We totally should get together!
So exciting! I was happy to hear about your brother :).
Yes. I can't wait until our opened jam in the fridge runs out so I can buy some of yours! It's so good.
At first I thought you were talking about your brother-IN-LAW, Mike. I was all confused. why I hadn't heard the news? And why would he call YOU before calling Daniel?? Ha ha. Congrats to your brother.
How fun to be in YW. Have fun at camp! When is it?
That's so great about your jam, super great about your brother, and that's so exciting about your calling!! You will be really great in the Young Women. And Girl's Camp was so much fun! It will be interesting to see it from the other perspective . . . .
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